Saturday, September 6, 2008

One week of Training down

Hello everyone,

Well today is the 6th of Sept. We have made it through the first week of training. As some of you know there was not enough room at the MTC for us so we were a group of 12 couples that had to go to the Super 8 hotel. I guess we were the lucky ones as we enjoy a couch in our room and TV. So we have not been complaining.!!
Our first week was a very spiritual one and hard one. We were up every day at 6:00 and at the MTC at 7:00 for breakfast and class at 8:00. They had us do the entire book of Preach My Gospel in one week and the missionaries get 3. They say it is because of our experience (Little do they know we don't remember as much!!!) I don't think I have ever prayed more than I have been this week and I know the spirit is here and touching us to bear testimony. It has been AWESOME.
After eating one week I now know what our boys used to say about the food. It is good but it is gassey(sp)
Our schedule is eat, study, class, study, eat, study class and then we have had volunteers come in 3 times this week as guinea pigs so we could teach to them. That was a very scary experience the first couple of times but good. I think we passed!!!

How is everyone doing? Bryan, Preston, Robert & Becky are in Seattle this weekend to the BYU football game dad is trying to find a big screen to watch it on. I get to do laundry.

Well I will close for now we spent the morning at the temple it is like the Ogden one but very nice. Have a great day. Love you all
Mom and Dad

1 comment:

Kathy said...

We are so proud of you both!
Is it too late to change your mission to "San Diego?" (:
We could offer a room for free!!!

O.K., fine!

You go ahead and go to Georgia and spend time going into the archives, where the general puplic isn't allowed, looking through papers that will be priceless in helping others connect their family histories together!

I want to come!!!! (:

We can't wait to hear from you again!

Love this Blog! It's our first "Blogging" experience!

You're are in our thoughts and prayers!

Kent and Kathy Murdoch