On Monday we went to a small town called Warm Springs. It is where Franklin D Roosevelt went to have therapy for his polio. It became quite popular when he began going there and a lot of people went for treatment in the warm pools. He built a small home there it was called the Little Whitehouse. There is a picture below. Also a couple of other pictures.
From left to right Dr Hamilton, Terry Abplanalp, Nancy Abplanalp, Suzanne Hartley, Bonnie Carrigan , me,m paul, Sylvia and Fred Fickenworth.
We toured the area and shopped through the little town. I took some pretty cute pictures. One I call old men with Geese. I was able to have all the brothers who went with us to Warm Springs pose for me with some of the neighboring geese! It was a fun town and quaint, many antique shops and curio stores. I found a beautiful nativity set that was from Thomas Kinkade but I talked myself out of buying it, after all how would I get that one home!
At the memorial they had a path with different rocks that each of the states are famous for. This is a picture of Paul and me at the Utah flag. Our stone was like the granite they used in the temple.
It is too bad that Thanksgiving has happened. We forgot to watch what we ate. Can you believe we not only had dinner on Thursday we also had it again on Friday night. Our Thanksgiving was great, an interesting thing happened though my friend went to get the turkey out of the fridge at about 12:20 and it was gone. You guessed it. Someone came in to our apartment complex and took our turkeys. We never found them. We only hope that whoever got them needed them more than we did. Dad and I went to Wall-mar(the only open store) and bought another one so we were able to eat at about 5:00. There was way to much food. But we enjoyed it anyway and ate like there was no tommorrow. But there is always exercise on Monday!!!!!
We are so blessed to have all that we do, I hope that we always remember to give thanks to our Father in Heaven for all of our blessings.
Today is Sunday and tommorrow is the 1st of December. Wow I cannot believe it. Paul reminded me that we will have been out 3 months tommorrow. It has gone by so quickly.
I am sure that everyone is getting ready for Christmas, I am singing in the ward choir and they are doing their program in 2 weeks, I wondered why and they said a lot of people go home or away for Christmas, hope they have a program when we are there!! Dad and I will be shopping at all a dollar for a tree this year hopefully one that can fit on our dining room table. Dad did find a door decoration at a yard sale at the senior center so we do have a wreath, I guess I will never keep him away from garage sales will I>>>>>
Well best I prepare for the rest of the day and get off of the computer, we are going to the Methodist church tonight for a concert it is supposed to be really good. Have a good time preparing for the upcoming holiday yall.
Just a reminder this month is Sarah's and Amber's birthdays. Sarah on the 5th and Amber on the 27th.